Sunday, October 25, 2009

"You Should Get A Gun"

We shall wait until all five of a person's senses are deteriorated. Their vision shall be blurry, their reaction time slow, their hands shaky, their hearing non-existent, and their judgment shall be poor. 

....Now, let us give them all guns. 

Think that is a bad idea? This jackass doesn't

Mr. Eric Puryear of THE EXAMINER (I've never heard of it either) thinks that "armed self defense is a senior citizen’s best chance at stopping a younger and stronger criminal who attacks them."

Yikes. This is a recipe for disaster, sir. Lets encourage those who accidentally step on the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal to buy a Glock. It is comparable to advocating arming middle-schoolers. Can their fragile bones even handle the recoil???

On the other hand, it would boost the economy. After all, I assume that sales of The Back Up® would triple. Then again, accidental shootings would increase tenfold. 

Needless to say, this article scares me. 

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