Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Live From CSUF, Its A Blog Entry

 I generally do all of my entries from the comfort of my apartment, where I can steal jokes from my boyfriend and bounce ideas off my cat. But I've been challenged to submit a live entry from a foreign location, so here I sit on the Cal State Fullerton campus. 
I would have liked to have done a live blog from my parents house, where Nana could be hovering over my shoulder asking me what I'm writing about and telling me I should really play Mah Jong with her and her friends, but alas, she is visiting her sister in Philly, and we, we are free.
So, I blog from my second home, College Park, where the 
CSUF College of Communications is located. That being said,
I bring you a ridiculous story (aren't they all?) from Idaho.

Idaho Woman Mistakes Own Hearing Aid For A Milk Dud
By: Kimberly A.C. Wilson

"Violet Bishop, 87, of Coeur d’Alene was tucked into bed with a box of Milk Duds, ready to watch  “Dancing With the Stars,” when something went horribly wrong. In her words:

“As I enjoyed the chocolate and caramel taste, it appeared that one of my Milk Duds was not as fresh as the others. One was rather crunchy and I could not get it to soften up, no matter how hard I tried.”

This lady got her picture in the newspaper for this. I don't think I would want my picture posted, its bad enough her name is in the article. Nothing like making an ass of yourself and letting a modern day town crier tell everybody about it. 

Luckily, Violet didn't swallow it. 

Old people: They can be like 7 year-olds, but with driver's licenses. 


  1. You should give 7yr. old kids more credit, they know that the stuff that comes from their noses taste much better than stuff that comes from their ears. On a side note, I could really go for some Milk Duds right now.

  2. Hey, if it was a chunk of ear wax that fell out of her ear, or a bogie from her nose, she would never have known the difference. Thank goodness the hearing aid was crunchy.
