Wednesday, November 18, 2009


 Health District says it isn't discriminating against the elderly for H1N1 shots

"Complaints that the government is guilty of age discrimination for refusing to let people 65 and older with chronic health problems attend H1N1 flu clinics for high-risk groups are unfounded, Judy Davis, spokeswoman for the Washoe County Health District, said Wednesday."

Called it! Ok, so this was downright predictable, but still, I giving myself some kudos. I'm really glad I found this article, mainly for self-validation. Judy Davis continues to lay it down for the old folks....

'We’ve heard some comments that this appears like the government in general doesn’t value its older citizens, but this has nothing to do with age discrimination. It’s about trying to get to the most vulnerable people first.”

Hey! Whoa! Common Sense! It is that sense of entitlement again. Every old person ever: I realize you've walked (albeit slowly) this earth for around 80 years, but that doesn't necessarily entitle you to meds you don't really need but want anyway because you deserve them dagnabbit. 

I could do an entire post on old people's obsession with meds, whether they really need them or not. Sometimes, when I feel  like punishing myself, I listen to Nana talk on the phone to her elderly sister (who is cool because she doesn't tolerate Nana's bullshit). Anyway, they seriously compare doctor visits and the meds that they are prescribed. Its like a one-upping competition about uppers (If you consider blood pressure medication "uppers"). 

Seriously, the elderly of today need to understand that they take the back seat to pregnant women and children when it comes to H1N1 vaccines. Deal with it. 

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