Friday, December 4, 2009


Elderly PA Wal Mart greeter assaulted

"North Versailles, PA – Police in North Versailles, Pennsylvania responded within seconds after 55 year old Paul Washington clocked 72 year old Thomas Jenkins, 72, of McKeesport, a holiday shopping greeter outside Wal Mart.

According to a WPXI report, Jenkins said “I am walking down, the next thing you know, boom, I’m on the ground. I didn’t see nothing coming,” said Jenkins. “All I hear is, ‘Pow,’ and I am on the ground laying.”

Jenkins was taken to UPMC McKeesport Hospital and then transferred to UPMC Presbyterian Hospital because he lost a large amount of blood and several teeth in the attack. The cause of the attack may have stemmed from Jenkins requesting to see Washington’s receipt on his way out of the store."

Holy Crap! Given, this blog has been critical of the elderly and their failure to assimilate to our society, but I do not condone sucker-punching a 72 year-old greeter at Wal-mart! (I also do not condone shopping at Wal-Mart)

Normally, I would feel responsible for encouraging this unacceptable behavior, but I am pretty sure the man who punched Thomas Jenkins (not actual photo) is not one of the three avid readers of my blog (Hi, Dad!).

This poor guy. He was working, providing for himself! Then, doing his job, he asks a customer for a receipt and gets cold cocked by Jerk Of The Year. Not only that, he was genuinely injured. Take comfort in the high quality care and respect Wal-mart treats its employees with, so Mr. Jenkins will be well taken care of. Or Not.

Here is the video:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Newsflash: Old People Are Picky

Elderly declare war on socks for Christmas

"Members of Southwark Circle, an organisation that fights for senior citizens' rights, gathered at a bus station in south London yesterday to campaign for useful presents from friends and family this Christmas."

"...Waving placards declaring "No More Socks," they hope to see an end to the mundane gifts they are given each year."

"...We've all got drawers full of ties," said 89-year-old Stan Hardy, a longtime member of Southwark Circle. "This year we're saying 'if you're going to spend your money, spend it on something we want'"

"..."I'd love to go to the West End and watch a show or get some vouchers for internet lessons or something."

British people are weird.

 First of all, at least your family is still giving you gifts, so don't complain! Secondly, who still gets points across with posters on a street corner? I'd say use the internet, but evidently you need a "voucher" to use it. Do you think Barack Obama got elected standing on a street corner holding a sign? Hell no! Thirdly (is that a word?), tell them what you want. Odds are, you get a new tie every year because you decided to order cioppino at that wedding last year and managed to get it all over your silk tie right in front of the people who bought it for you. 

Is it just me or is this an absurd display of self-absorption? The time spent standing on the street corner demanding non-socks could be used for knitting mittens for poor kids, serving food to the homeless, or watching Wheel of Fortune. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Remember That One Thanksgiving?

The one where dad got out of the car to fight the old man in the street? Of course you do!

79 Year-Old Hurt In Fight In Irvine
By Sean Emery
"IRVINE – A 79-year-old was taken to the hospital after confronting a passenger in a vehicle that almost hit him at an Irvine intersection, police said today...

...The elderly man became upset, Hare said, yelling at the vehicle's occupants, who police have identified as a 47-year-old man and his teenage daughter, who was driving the vehicle.

The elderly man struck the hood of the car, Hare said. The car's passenger responded by getting out of the vehicle and 

pushing the elderly man, causing him to trip on the curb and fall to the ground."

So it wasn't a full-blown fight, but good enough. Turns out, elderly man was taken to nearby hospital with pain in all the usual areas: hip, wrist, etc. Charges are yet to be filed. 

As an avid cyclist (I'm in peak physical condition) I have to side with the old man here. I flip more people off riding my bike than I ever have driving. It is dangerous, and there are a lot of idiots (like teenage driver, above) who completely disregard pedestrians and cyclists. So I can understand being pissed off after being nearly struck by a vehicle. Pounding your fist on the hood of the car is good way to get your point across. 

To the man who pushed an elderly person to the ground in front of his daughter: You have ruined Thanksgiving. I hope you are happy.