Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'd Rather Take Extenze®

Doctor accused of botched penis enlargments
State Medical Board says Anaheim Hills Doctor committed gross medical negligence.
September 18th, 2009 
By Courtney Perkes 

"An Anaheim Hills urologist faces possible state discipline for allegations that he botched several penis enlargement surgeries, according to the California Medical Board.

Dr. Gary Rheinschild, 75, faces possible discipline that could range from a public reprimand to loss of license. Rheinschild is accused of gross negligence in his treatment of three men and of practicing despite signs of cognitive impairment."

Prepare to cringe. 

"In 2005, Rheinschild performed surgery on a 21-year-old from Maryland. The patient reported that Rheinschild's hands sometimes shook and he had trouble remembering information. About five weeks after the $8,000 surgery to lengthen his penis and thicken it with a skin graft, the wound burst open and the penis began to shorten and curve, the documents say. The patient asked to come to California for a follow-up and Rheinschild refused to see him. Later the patient underwent two reconstructive surgeries, the documents say."

Due to his age, if Rheinschild lived in Illinois, he'd have to take a road test every time he tried to renew his driver's license. Yet, in California he was allowed to continue to perform, uh, delicate surgery as long as he so desired. Well, I'd say Dr. Rheindschild failed his proverbial "road test." Three times. 

A dunce cap should also go to the three men who saw no problem letting a man with "signs of cognitive impairment" operate on their junk. Bad Idea, gentlemen. Bad Idea. 


I'm willing to bet that ol' Doctor Disfigure was sharp as a tack about 30 years ago. He is probably a man with a long list of accomplishments, but one should really start to question his abilities with sharp instruments and human organs at the age of 75. Personally, I'd get a second opinion. Would you?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Shall Raise A Cup Of Decaf To You, Sir!

When this guy wears a "World's Greatest Grandpa" sweatshirt, he means it.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

MAssachusetts: Prepare To Be Cut From The Will Part II

About a year ago, my Nana was pulled over for going 60 in a 45 m.p.h zone. The deputy asked her when she was last written a speeding ticket. Her response?
According to her, the deputy then smiled and told her to slow down and have a nice day. 

Uncool, man. 

Sure, she was honest when she answered your question, but she has also rear-ended two different vehicles and locked her keys in her TRUNK twice in the last two years...Keep in mind she drives a total of about one mile a day. 
We want her to get a ticket. We want the DMV to keep an eye on her. We want her to drive less than 35 mph down our street (Well, our neighbors do anyway)!

Here are a couple of websites related to the last post:

Highlight: "After the age of 75, the risk of driver fatality increases sharply, because older drivers are more vulnerable to both crash-related injury and death. Three behavioral factors in particular may contribute to these statistics: poor judgement in making left-hand turns; drifting within the traffic lane; and decreased ability to change behavior in response to an unexpected or rapidly changing situation."


Interesting stuff. Unfortunately, this won't stop our neighbors from knocking on our door to inform us that Nana almost ran over their dog. True story. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Massachusetts: Prepare To Be Cut From The Will

OSTON — A key legislative committee is recommending a bill that would require drivers 75 and older to pass cognitive and physical tests." 
Some highlights of the proposed bill:
"— Require drivers 75 or older to pass an examination to test their cognitive and physical abilities to operate a car each time they renew their license;

-Allow doctors and police officers to report to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles if they believe a driver is unable to safely operate a car;

-Give the Registrar of Motor Vehicles the right to suspend a license until a hearing can be conducted to determine if the driver is capable of operating a car;

-Require the Registrar of Motor Vehicles to administer a new driving exam for any operator who accumulates three or more surchargeable incidents in the previous year;

-Allow drivers to appeal a decision to suspend a license."

Apparently, the proposed bill follows a string of fatal accidents involving elderly drivers in Massachusetts. Kudos to the committee for putting public safety first and foremost. Unfortunately, I'm sure accusations of elderly discrimination will be sure to follow. The article states that opponents (old people) feel that the tests should be required for everyone, not just the elderly. 

I disagree. 

Data exhibit A: My Nana. 

There is a green, 1998 Buick Century that is usually parked on the street, about two feet from the curb, in front of my parents house. This, is my Nana's chariot. Two thousand pounds of American steel, complete with handicapped license plates and a "Support our troops" magnet. 

This car has divided our family. 

Being a passenger with Nana behind the wheel is more nerve wracking than being a test pilot for the Uzbekistan Air Force. My sister and I believe she has no place behind the wheel of a car,and while my parents agree, they feel there is nothing they can do about it. If this bill was passed into law in California, we wouldn't have to wait for her to drive through a farmers market to end her tenure as a licensed driver. 

If this proposed bill makes it into law, every state should follow suit. 

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Valuable Lessons" For Those Without Common Sense

A Rock Hill, South Carolina woman was swindled out of $175 on Sept. 9th, as she was leaving her local Burger King. 
According to the Rock Hill Herald, Queen Strickland, 84, was conned by a man who fancied himself a mechanic/liar. Apparently, 36 year-old Donald Ray Altman (not actual photo) approached Ms. Strickland, informing her that her Buick was leaking water, and that meant she needed a new water hose. He then had her drive him to an auto-parts store where she gave him $40 for the hose. They then drove to an ATM so she could pay him an additional $135 to fix the car. Finally, they headed back to Burger King, where Altman walked away with the money...and Queen's dignity.
Queen then stated, 
"I've learned a lesson. I really have."

-I don't even know where to begin here. I find it fascinating that the elderly are so gullible. I have seen this first hand, as I have had to explain to my Nana that she will not win a trip to the Bahamas by clicking on a pop-up ad and that Microsoft will not send her a check for $2,000 if she forwards a chain email.....Sigh. 
  Ms. Strickland, where is your common sense? One minute, you are enjoying a healthy, balanced meal at your local BK, the next, you are handing a stranger $175 in cash to repair a faulty hose he detected while your car was parked?!? Also, isn't it common knowledge that air conditioning units in cars drip water when they are running? Aside from all that, she let a strange man into her car with her! 
It is sad that Ms. Strickland lost her money, and it is despicable what Mr. Altman did...But seriously, should this woman even be driving? If she falls for this lame act, she very well could be convinced that stop signs are now optional. I bet she even has a drawer full of ShamWows at her house. 

Footnote: My favorite part of the article was a quote from Detective Keith Dugan, who is handling the case. Dugan has a knack for stating the obvious,
"This guy targeted elderly people because he knew they probably wouldn't be as perceptive."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Flu Season About To Get More Confusing Than Cell Phones, Digital Cable, Driving...

Flu Season is creeping upon us. This means that my Nana will get sick about five times this winter, undoubtedly passing one mystery flu-like illness on to myself and my family. Last year, it was the stomach flu taking down each member of our family one by one. This year might be different, though, as a new study shows that people over 60 are more likely to be immune to the H1N1 virus. 

According to the AARP, the elderly are still atop the list for general flu vaccines, but they do not have priority for Swine Flu Vaccines due to recent results from CDC testing. The results show that one third of blood samples from people over 60 contained antibodies to Swine Flu. Also, a recent article published in Nature reported that those who lived through the 1918 flu pandemic posessed even higher levels of antibodies. These findings parallel the fact that most fatal cases of H1N1 occurred in children and young adults. Therefore, pregnant women, small children, and emergency workers get top priority. 
John Murphy, M.D.,  chairman of the American Geriatrics Society, seems to know how this is going to pan out,
"I think the fall is going to be very confusing for people, and we’re going to need a lot of education about this."

Dr. Murphy knows what is going to happen. He is just trying to break it to us gently. He knows that old people's sense of entitlement (e.g. "I'm 84, I deserve handicapped parking!" - Nana) is going to lead to an H1N1 vaccine disaster. They won't understand why they aren't getting passes to the front of one line, but not the other. These people aren't used to having immunity to ANY illness, let alone a potential pandemic. I expect to hear a lot of whining about this come winter.

Note to the Elderly: Don't worry, the CDC just wants to focus on keeping our youth alive, since they still have the potential to contribute something to society.....Zing!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome! First Off, A Lesson In Fashion...

TO FIND A JOB, OLDER WORKERS MIGHT WANT TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR, TOO, AND SPRUCE UP THE VINTAGE LOOK  by Paige Parker, The Oregonian Sunday September 06, 2009, 8:30 PM -Via Fark, Via The Oregonian 

It's the most unwelcome of all job hunting tips, and the former recruiter was just the person to break it down for a seminar audience of unemployed Baby Boomers:

"You've got to do something about that hair, he said.

And that gut.

And while we're at it -- guys, lose those pleated Dockers. Because to the 35-year-old who will likely interview you, all of it flashes OLD."

 Article Summary: These days, lots of baby boomers are finding themselves unemployed and searching for work. Unfortunately, a good number of these senior citizens have not interviewed for a new job in 25 years. This article is targeted at those who find themselves looking for work, and a little help with the interview process. According to Paige Parker, the first step is evaluating one's look. She is a senior citizen herself, and she wants her peers to realize that one should never attend a job interview dressing as fiercely as the man above. 

This reads like an article I could have written myself. . It's fair to say that if you aren't trying to impress anyone, then go ahead, wear that sweater from 1984. However, one can't expect his or her experience alone to get them the job; dress like a professional, in clothing that is less than five years old.  

I suppose once you retire, you really just stop giving a damn what people think of you. Either that, or you are too cheap to buy new clothes. With most elderly, its a combination of both. Still, wearing a nice suit to a job interview should be a no-brainer. The problem is, some people define "a nice suit" as a powder blue leisure suit and white shoes.

 I saw this a lot at the restaurant I used to work at. This place was in Laguna Hills, right outside the gates of Leisure World. This was a nice seafood restaurant, and some of LW's residents would come decked out in their finest attire for dinner. One time, I saw a man in a one-piece jumpsuit. Where were his family and friends on this one?!? Someone should step up and save grandpa from the stares and snickers, even if he can't hear them without his Listen Up! Take the initiative, people. My family and I have secretly destroyed a couple of my Nana's unnecessarily tight/faded leggings with stirrups before. She can afford new ones and it was for her own good. America, I'm asking you to do the same.